Issue 28

Integrate Keynotes: Futurists, AI & Responsible Tech

Integrate’s two keynote addresses set the tone: Ethical Leadership in the Digital Age and Blue Sky Leadership — How to maintain momentum.


17 June 2021

Integrate 2021 is looming and shaping up to be the event this region’s AV industry has been starved off since Covid clouted us.

Integrate’s two keynote addresses set the tone: Ethical Leadership in the Digital Age and Blue Sky Leadership — How to maintain momentum.

Presenting the Ethical Leadership address is Dr Catriona Wallace, Ethical AI Advisory & Flamingo AI CEO and Founder. Having been inducted into the Royal Institution of Australia in 2019, recognising her excellence in scientific achievement and commitment to science in Australia, Dr Catriona Wallace is one of the world’s most cited experts on Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Ethics in Technology and Women in Leadership. Dr Wallace has established herself as the innovative go-to expert for organisations looking to digital transformation and optimising operations with a focus on customer and employee experience. As a result, she’s the most natural authority to consult with when looking at ways to introduce emerging technologies into business.

The second keynote is presented by Dr Catherine Ball, an Associate Professor at the Australian National University. Catherine is a sought-after voice across the start-up, futurist and tech world, working globally across a wide range of projects from creating documentaries and world-leading conferences and events, to advising on the use of novel approaches (e.g. drones) across environmental and humanitarian projects. Catherine is a proponent of community engagement with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), and likes to demystify emerging tech.

The keynotes lead a packed Convergence Conference program. 


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Issue 28