Issue 28

Benefits Of Spatial & Immersive Audio

Adamson rendering engine demonstrated at ISE 2023.


17 February 2023

Over 300 sound engineers, integrators, and audio architects received an educational demonstration on the benefits that Adamson’s spatial rendering engine provides to sound system design and audience enjoyment. Featuring Adamson Fletcher Machine and a sound system employing Adamson CS- and IS-Series cabinets, the event was hosted at Theatre Lliure, a member of the European public theatre network mitos21. Visitors attended one of 10 sessions in the intimate space.

Demonstration host and Director of Operations EMEA, Jochen Sommer explained, “Our approach in showcasing spatialisation technology is to start with the historical simplicity of the techniques. The Adamson Fletcher Machine is named after the father of stereophonic sound, Harvey Fletcher. His practical experiments in the 1930s are what we’re rendering in real-time today.”

Demonstrations included comparisons of stereo source material with traditional mixing techniques and spatialisation rendered with Adamson Fletcher Machine. During the comparisons, guests walked around the space to hear sound qualities perceived in various positions in the theatre.

Spanish sound designer Javier Isequilla of Woods Engineering said of the demo, “I was intrigued by the presentation so much that I repeated my visit a second day. The reverb engine was impressive, as well as the overall user experience. The availability of the virtual Adamson Fletcher Machine to run on personal computers was smart. I downloaded the free software at the show to start experimenting with the technology.”

Adamson will demonstrate its spatial audio systems featuring its suite of technologies at InfoComm 2023 in Orlando, FL, June 14-16.

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