Issue 28

Q-SYS Designer v9.4 Update

QSC’s DSP design software gains new camera support, .uci sharing, improved video bridging and Asset Viewer for Enterprise Manager


21 December 2021

Q-SYS Designer Software enables the user to create designs for native Q-SYS Platform system and also supports the integration of the greater Q-SYS Ecosystem. The system design environment was created specifically to be intuitive and easy to use.

The version 9.4 release includes the following new features:

Improved USB Video Bridging & Camera Streaming

Q-SYS Designer Software v9.3 introduces a simple, interoperable network streaming technology that brings higher quality, low-bandwidth IP streams to Q-SYS.

  • Provides single IP Stream from your Q-SYS camera to the Q-SYS Video Bridging device.
  • Reduced video latency, which in turn reduces potential for audio visual synchronisation issues.
  • Q-SYS USB bridges now decode video streams and scale appropriately for the host PC application.

Note: This new streaming technology will enable even more upcoming Q-SYS video streaming capabilities.

Q-SYS Control

  • UCI Sharing: Import and export user control interfaces (UCIs) from QDS for simple sharing of UCIs.
  • HID Conferencing Support for Q-SYS I/O-8 Flex: Route HID signals (keyboard, PC media controls, UC platforms) when a remote computer is connected to the I/O-8 Flex.
  • Designer Asset Manager: Filter, Arrange, and Sort the list of available assets to quickly locate what you need.

Q-SYS Reflect Enterprise Manager / Core Manager

  • Better Asset Tracking: Q-SYS Product Serial number and firmware are now reported for native Q-SYS Products and can be viewed in Asset Viewer (Enterprise Manager only).
  • Additional improvements: You can now re-size and re-order columns in Core Manager (Status, Event Log) and Enterprise Manager (Alerts & Notifications, Audit Log, Assets, System > Status, System > Event Log).

Q-SYS Audio

Domain-based calling supported on Q-SYS Softphone: Allows for greater flexibility with PBX devices and network configurations.

Expanded Dante Domain compatibility:

  • Software-Based Dante Channel Groups are now shown in Dante Controller when the hosting Q-SYS Core processor is enrolled into a Dante Domain (Requires Dante Domain Manager v1.2.0.13 or later).
  • Software-based Dante can also be enrolled into a Dante Domain using the hosting Q-SYS Core processor’s IP address, which is beneficial when automatic discovery or enrolling by name is not possible.
Important Notice for the Core 110f

For installations utilising the Core 110f’s on-board AV USB bridge, the cable infrastructure between the Core 110f USB device port (Type B) and the PC’s host port (Type A) must be USB 3.0 compatible in order to take advantage of the improved camera streaming and USB video bridging performance. If you choose to use USB 2.0 infrastructure after updating to v9.3.0, bridging performance will be limited to 540p.

Note that this does not affect other Q-SYS bridging devices.

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