Issue 28

Shure IntelliMix AI Denoiser

No Need to Mute, Fix It In the (Intelli)Mix; Shure introduces a conferencing-focussed denoiser solution into room processor software


24 September 2021

Beginning with version 3.1, Shure IntelliMix Room DSP software includes an AI Denoiser audio processor. Developed using artificial intelligence and machine learning, this powerful algorithm is able to tell the difference between noises and speech, and reduce the noise with virtually no audible effect on the speech — even when the speech and noise overlap.

Traditional noise reducers do a great job of attenuating constant background noise like air conditioning, but random noises are difficult to get rid of. Algorithms in videoconferencing applications try to eliminate random noises, but often have very noticeable side effects. If speech and noise overlap, they garble the talker’s voice while trying to remove the noise. They also process the entire audio mix, so the artifacts they create can distort the sound of other audio program material, even though it does not contain noise.

The IntelliMix Room Denoiser removes many types of noises, including:

  • Pen clicking
  • Keyboard clacking
  • Food wrappers crinkling
  • Silverware clinking
  • Doors slamming

The Denoiser processing block works on the microphone channels while allowing other inputs with program material, such as presentation playback, to pass unaltered. Unlike other solutions, IntelliMix Room’s Denoiser does not alter the sound of other program material such as PC audio playback.

The Denoiser intensity can be set to Low, Medium, or High depending on how completely you want it to eliminate noises. The High setting removes as much of the noise as possible. But in some cases, it may be confusing for participants on a video call to see things happening and not hear them; they may even think the audio has dropped out. To offset this, the Low setting preserves a small amount of the noise to prevent the audio from sounding unnatural.

As with other DSP features, it’s best to experiment with the settings to find the one that works best for you. For the best results, you’ll probably want to use the Denoiser and Noise Reduction together to control both random and constant noise.

IntelliMix Room DSP software also includes other powerful processing tools that deliver superior audio quality in all kinds of meeting spaces with up to 16 microphone channels. It runs on the same room PC as your collaboration platform, making configuration and management easy.

For more information about IntelliMix Room licenses, contact your Shure systems integrator.

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